I'm seeing the world like Iggy Pop in his prime.I may be criticised for stating the obvious about this Town.I admit it to say that Dapto is the cultural centre of the world is indeed hardly oblique.It's been said to me before that the inmates have all taken acid.Dawn approaches here in New South Wales.How shall I best disagree?Why with cigarettes and piss of course.I'm doing a Tobruk breakout and my God I've done em a lot harder than this.I laugh about would be politicians who I've tricked into drinking my piss,stories for the media when Jesus decides he's allowed to recline like Budda.Christians claim man is made in the image of God so is the Lord alike to an image of me.Sometimes like Chewing your beers you've just gotta accept her Majesty's benevolence and be pastoral and happy in your wealth.
The insane are said to rock backward and forth when they are psycotic.It's just another example of re-inventing the wheel or if you like feeling the same religiosity as praying moslems.I don't know about the absolute truth of a creator other than saying his name on paper be it Jehovah or Allah can inspire in our brains great revery.My best friend's names are an acronym for the names of Satan but like every other Joe he's just trying to make his way.Get over the world concept and join with me in this pitiful scene by Brugle...that's all it can be.
In my efforts to be successful I have avoided an attempt to network with famous people because despite what people say,I am not ahead of myself and also famous people are often self-interested sociopaths;better that I rely on my friends.If I have helped people on their journey to enlightenment it is in part through my study of Eastern texts such as the Bagavad Gita.Therein the behaviour of the yogi is to sit in the jungle in the nude and meditate without recourse to materialistic consumption.It's very difficult but it's ok to be apathetic and there is grace in doing without doing.An Australian way to explain it is 'all you need is a heartbeat and a heart.'What really should create bitterness in the mind of a poor man because a rich man can only drink as much as a poor man.I'm very much engaged in psionic combat with many sectors of the world's population.I think I'm defending myself and today I'm going to take this one step further by contacting my social worker and my Father's solicitor.My surname is both a noun and an adjective.I have always tried to be brave defending my family members and protecting them from criminals.I have also tried to become tough through years of physical work ranging from farmwork to furniture removals.In the psyche ward other inmates told me we were science experiments,it's true;I'm in a submarine which is required to remain submerged for six months.
Was Budda Chinese or Indian?I am very worried these days because I lack the strength to do the right thing.Perhaps my inability to do the right thing is because of invisible obstacles.Sometimes I wear a Muslim prayer sarung(sarong) around the town.As I've matured I've become a bit of a Karma builder almost out of desperation to see things work out.The tactical wisdom of the obsessive compulsive needs to be switched on and off and in this way is useful.I need to take drugs because I have a lot of experience but no mentor to polish me up.I'm a rough diamond and it sucks.Society people are gay like vaseline.By leaving the staus quo unchallenged I become an asesory to this fucked up bullshit of the Western world.I'm going to Sydney god willing and will buy two bottles of amyl nitrate.It's been a while since I was drug fucked.It's true that there are a lot of special people in the world but I'm leading a lack lustre life and I think this is my penatence.I know from my study of Christian and Ciceronian philosophy that to suffer is virtuous.Something is concerning me and I'm not sure what to do about it.I think it will happen to Europeans or Americans.I've flirted with the darkside but I'm still Anaken Skywalker and I'm stupidly kind.
They're breaking there own caste system and they swallow aswell.Like the Travelling Wilbury's said the only thing to do at the end of the line is help out.I first self mutilated in a psychiatric ward in Hornsby Hospital.The mistake I made was not calling the Psychiatrists a cunt.Mental Ilness is something people think should be hidden.They think Psychiatric patients are insane,not the profesionals but the ignorant public.Why am I so apathetic about being poor?Especially since there is no afterlife being rich or being a slave to the dollar doesn't make sense.The cult of celebrity is an insult to my intelligence,especially since the celebrities are up themselves.Western society is full of indulgence.i told Obama on his Myspace page that he should be a single term President.I think it's a hot potato and I think he should be viewed as a hero rather than a failure.Sometimes the best thing we can do is relinquish something we are obsessed with.Increasingly I am a solitary figure.I don't need company.I've just finnished abusing a young woman on Facebook.I hope she doesn't retaliat but she was denying my beliefs validty and I always fight to justify my position.Part of the mental illness problem is to do with perception in which I'm deficient.Sardonically enough Charles Manson said the same thing.
Like Bligh or Odysius I returned to theFatal Shore to find the society was disabled by my escape to Java.I'd thrown off the suburban shackles of disrespectful people who were used to indulging in peer pressure. Like Dire Straits said I'm 'Making Movies.'Some mother fucker's even wanted to exorcise me when in reality they were just afraid of my vast mental inspiration at the time.I love the internet because it's similar to the television in so far that what might be deemed as nuts in ordinary inter-personal relationships can now be published and however hard they try to silence me ,it will always be regarded by intelligent purveyors as valid expression.Some of my enemies try to manipulate me with false praise.I don't know if I'm an Artist or not.Some people have heavily criticised what I'm creating but use no critical analysis on themselves.I've thought about setting up a small workshop in Java where artist's paint onto canvas my digital work.All of this requires capital however and there is no guarantee that I'd make any money.It doesn't suit the capitalist world that I am anything but a menial worker.It's how retards cope with their own dismal shortcomings.Oh well,I'm philosophical and know that one day thankfully it will all be over.RIP
Australia is a ship sailing for Moronia with the fools clambering to get on board.Homosexuality like veiling women doesn't respect women.Gardasil is a dangerous drug promoted by Australian Elite Con-Artist's who are primarily interested in the money it can generate.If you don't think that women are the benchmark for everything that you yearn for you will never be able to understand the fundamentals of life.I'm public enemy number one in this society because I'm a straight Anglo-Saxon male.Christianity is the opportunity to be a Paedophile because they teach that it's alright to sin because everyone sins and Jesus died so you can be forgiven by God.Personally I'd prefer to burn in hell for all eternity than molest a child.The other way that they get you is to say sex is sin.There's no aspect of sin about my beautiful sex.I've always regarded it as my devotion and appreciation of a beautiful woman.The Romans will crucify you for being Jesus or for being critical of Jesus.I'm different to many successful people because I didn't get my degree and I'm more intelligent than them.Schizophrenics when they read Shakespeare or the Bible have the sensation that they wrote the works themselves.This is because there is only one unanimous path of genius based on courage.
There are also invisible Doors of the mind offering opportunity and an strict but flexible mindset is the best way to navigate this life which is beset by the false allure of gold.The ribbed scars on my chest are acknowledged by black people as tribal scarification and I am glad I've done it because the scars and practice of it is a form of humility which is a liberation over the material which is a passage fraught with suffering like a child that hurts himself playing.When I was first diagnosed with Schizophrenia I asked my Paternal Uncle what I needed to do to overcome my predicament.He said that it is a world full of wonder and I have learnt to recognise and flow with that insight.Because I'm schizophrenic it titilates the loosers that know me because they think they're eugenically superior.I don't play emotional games with other people because I think it's beneath me.If someone offends me I don't normally do anything about it but just walk away.Just as it's always been society is about looking after number one.I've been subjected to a lot of false suggestions lately from Politicians and the Media.I believe that unless you stand up for yourself when assaulted by this plethora of lies you will be coralled like a herd animal and sent to your death.In Dungeons and Dragons the Paladins,Barbarians and Druids are restricted by what posessions they may have.It doesn't matter then.
Why do I need to return to University when there are so many books in my posession which I am yet to read?.In reality the only recognised legitimate motive for going to University is a means to get rich.I heard in a song recently,the Artist's name escapes me;'maybe you will find that the light at the end of the tunnel is you.'I quite like living in the country.The isolation is something which must be overcome but because of the low population density many self-illusions are stripped away and what is needed is more apparent in this simple life.Austerity is a negative tactic in comparison to indulgence.Some people spend greaty energy in promoting their deception whereas 'the truth will set you free.'I've never had a proper job.Because of how I romanticised the ideal of the hard worker in industry I took whatever job it was that happened to be before me such as working in kitchens.The downside of this strategy is financial but I do believe it was advantageous in building character.As dawn approaches this morning I contemplate my mediocre bank balance and like the ordinary poor everywhere I lament the real life that is denied me.Bound and trapped in this solemn pale I suppose I'll escape the gloom by eating my way out.The truth about people who challenge other's to not indulge is that they satisfy their ego by sabotaging the good motives of good people.
I cannot agree that I am in any way a candidate for assasination by shit eating morons who believe that by exercising my freedom of speech and being a human that I have violated their religion.I don't think Indonesian Muslims respect me despite my religion being Javanese Animism.The result is simple cunt,fuck with me and I will fuck you over with my machete.Fear and survival go hand in hand and I will teach you the hard way the virtue of being a white Australian who seeks to spread the principle of a 'fair go' to all people regardless of their demographic.Indonesians can be narrow minded and from this perversion they muster power as evil is focused through insitutionalised ignorance.I don't want the money or power over Javanese people.If Islam means 'Peace',then I contend that I am more Islamic than those that oppose secular institutions.My heart is where it has always been with the simple,ordinary folk of Java and their families who I regularly meet,share a cigarette and just live a humble life in that timelessness and respect for all people which is the real Java.Also I read the Koran in English and will visit Indonesia to ostensibly contribute to the economy and participate in their eternal story as in truth is reflected in the Mahabarata story felt by Muslims and Non Muslims alike.Mederka Republic Indonesia!
If you want to view your cable TV on your various computers throughout your house and you have a router and laptops with WiFi modems,you can do this by connecting your Foxtel box from it's S-Video port to your TV tuner card with an S-Video port on a 'Mother' computer and then broadcast the signal with a program available on the net such as '1AV Centre' and then open Internet Explorer on the destination laptops and type in the broadcast address which should look something like mms:// which includes the port number(the program will give it to you) and then your cable TV will appear in Windows Media Player with good quality like a normal TV.Perhaps the future of TV will be shared signals on the Internet like Peer to Peer music sharing between millions of people worldwide.The program allows you to broadcast any digital cable or free to air signal on the internet aswell.Of course if you are doing it in your home you will need to establish a wireless home network with a program like 'Hamachi' but it is all relatively simple.This sort of endeavour has made me think,which is more important power or money?The normal conclusion is that Power commands Money.Many cynic's believe that Politicians are not motivated by the motive of doing the right thing but rather self-interest.Personally I don't waste time worrying about either.
There are many misnomers about Schizophrenia.They are as follows;schizophrenic's are Evil.Schizophrenics are unintelligent.Schizophrenics are possesed by Demons or the Devil.Schizophrenics should not be able to live in the community but should live in Hospitals.Schizophrenics are characterized by entirely bizarre and delusional thoughts and finally that Schizophrenics are promiscuos.I want to contact Amnesty International to explain that I was incarcerated in a psyche ward against my will and as a consequence of the trauma I self-mutilated.On another theme I wonder whether Aliens would find humans attactive or whether they would prefer fluffy things such as dogs and cats.I think when God designed humans and our strange orifices he was taking a Tripstacy or some GHB.The foolish days of debauchery and drug use are long gone now and sometimes I foolishly want them back.Anyway it's not that I haven't wanted to do extremely well but at crucial moments in my life I experience 'convergence.'I remeber reading papers when I was at Tafe in Hobart and certain words or phrases appeared providing me with a paranoid message.The other bull-shit dramas I've had to go through are even more extreme.Like Twisted Sister said 'Stay away from Captain Howdy.'
My psycologist allowed me to take the controls of the Light plane we were flying.I was thinking about seizing the controls and sending the plane into a nose dive crashing into the ground.After an aborted crucifixion Jesus suffers the ignominomy of being another fool in society beset by poverty.Mental Illness is very controversial because people such as Scientologist's think that psychiatric medication and psychiatry are false science.I spent about eighteen months doing a living skills course with the Richmond Fellowship.I remember that it entailed great period's of loneliness.Because I have suffered so much for the non-crime of having loved women I am wise to compromise with my wife because you never miss your water till your dry.Intelligence is a two edged sword because if your work is not challenging you can become distracted.Lenin agrees with me;the next great hing for Russia is the restoration of the Czar.The English Royal Family really are lovely people and socialism can easily abide cultural institutions such as this.For instance in Laos Buddhist Monks are a mainstream aspect of their society which the Government contends hold similar principles to Communism.One of the main problems with equality is that people are different with different strengths and weaknesses.
I have been for years.It's not because of their sexual activity.It's because their Lower Class cunts and I think it's deliciously evil and funny.Why shouldn't I use every sureptitious means to destroy these people.They've never read a fucking book such as Austen or Bronte and I've had a gutfull of dumb cunts dominating society.It's also a holy mission validated by the Pope.The regression of society through the Twentieth has reached it's zenith in the Twenty First century.This is actually my country of origin but I am just as happy living under Muslim rule rather than suffer the anti-intellectual world of Sport and Sport celebrities.Chivalrous thought as I discussed with David Oldfield on radio is something I won't relinquish until I die because I have learnt through incarceration that freedom is achievable entirely due to the mind.Sport like Killing people indescriminately is a cliche and it's an aspect of ROME disease.My different view is labled extremism but I am unshamed to say that my Father and I understand Osama Bin Laden and pursuant to my discussions with the Federal Police I believe they understand him too.One good thing about Bill Kelty is that he respects the Sovereign Law of other countries and the need for a Non-Eurocentric view.DEVIL's ADVOCATE
The year is 2009 according to a bueracrat I could never be
Henry wrote such bautiful poetry as a Catholic
Of the Templars I find myself in a cold cell
The trinity means that we all have a Ghost
I know my Father like no other
And my son died at my hands because
Abraham wanted the women for himself
In Sydney they suggest in their bum root ways that men can love each other
What do I say of this?
Just that the psychiatrists hate me because I am schizophrenic
But I know that I am the Lord
Thankyou Leo my Russian friend
He was awe struck by the sight of the young Czar
And because of this and only in this way
I love men too
Herman Hesse was right about the intellectual game.I like the intellectual hysterics of young men bonded in academic study and discipline.I've paid my Rock n Roll dues by recording and publishing a few legitimate Rock tunes.Consequently I live the Rock lifestyle to which I have always aspired and today I will get pissed.I know my arrogance pisses off older people but hasn't that always been a way to get things done.My schoolmates have vast swathes of not knowing what happened to me at the end of High School but I'm still 36 and will be for quite some time still.My age has often been the centre of a lie.When I was a very small child it was remarked upon that I could converse eloquently with adults.It is due to the inate wisdom of my beautiful Mother who taught me to read.I can still remember the first time I read to my kindergarten teacher and it was if a darkness which was physical was replaced by light before my eyes.Often however I hated school and on my first day I screamed at the Gates for my mother to return to me with such absolute pain and anguish that I think in truth she made a mistake by leaving me there.My gorgeous younger sister is now bringing up her kids so adorably.They carefully play with their toys and neatly put them away at the end of the day.To be honest I do not need my own children because I have been surrounded by baby siblings my whole life.There is thirty three years difference in age between me and my youngest sister.
I think John Lee Hooker is the greatest Blues Artist of all time ostensibly because he could deliver a succinct,powerful blues hit that transended blues/pop boundaries.I guess Stevie Ray Vaughn is a close second.I miss them like I miss Bob Marley.Just believe in him and have a cone on me.Marley said the rejected stone will always be the head corner stone.Is story tellng ilegal?DESERT WORD MASTER.The best thing I could do for Australia is strap exposives to myself and walk into a crowd of Hezbollah and detonate myself.I was going to go to Indonesia and get covered in tatoos.My StepFather doesn't understand it but I explained it to him by saying 'Why not cover yourself in drawings?We all end up as worm food anyway.'The Tibetan's contemplate Death as I do,I always have.Is theft ever good?In truth on rare occaisons a theif may be Neutral Good.There's been a lot of scandal recently about the sexual inpropriety of Football players.I wonder if my own exploits have caused distress to women,probably.However the solution cannot be a return to Victorian prudeshness.I will help you by explaining some points of the Karma Sutra.Homosexuality is darkness but Lesbians remain approppriate.Group sex requires Maturity or otherwise shouldn't be engaged in.It is more desirable for a woman to have an orgasm than a Man etc etc
It is most correct and important to say I am a Pakistani or for instance an Indonesian first and secondary to that I have a religion which is co-incidently Islam.I get the vibe that I am 'the chosen One' but my behaviour is far too imoderate to be a leader of society.Paul Keating (Former Australian Priminister) started out as a manager of a Rock n Roll Band the difference is that my creativity has gotten somewhere.I've got 'tracker's' all over the place who want to see me busted.The Police are bent and even more alarmingly they think an individual is guilty before proven innocent.Someone in my position might be inclined to be dishonest with Government about their earnings but I have heeded the lesson of Al Capone so I won't get brought down that way.I am the ultimate criminal because I commit no crime.I won't threaten you either.When I say I will stab you a hundred times in the throat if you harm my family,it's a hypothesis and not a threat.Makng a hypothesis is not against the Law.There is an advantage to being mad.I'm not legally responsible for what I say.Virtue will not triumph in this world because of the CIA and other organisations such as MI6 or ASIO.I have nothing to give womankind because I am married and I only have two-hands to lend.JUST ME
Peter Garrett sings 'why don't you tell me the truth about you?'....No way buddy,I'm never sure about much including myself and I don't see why I have to prostrate myself to clowns who think I have a mundane thing to say about my life.If the satisfied are saying turn Right my advice is pull up the B-52 and take a Left.I'm going to conclude that I'm not going to Indonesia at all.Sit and WAIT to see what other diabolicle outcomes are coming my way.My preference in these situations is to 'Draw Fire' in an effort to properly understand my reality.Another surefire way to negotiate fatalism is to 'Live Now And Pay Later' whilst remembering that one 'Needs More Dosh' which always lubricates the Jackpot handle.Ostensibly I'm a good person and if I have the humility to do unto other's as you would have them do unto you things should turn out alright.I guess my lazy attitude can be put to good use by deffering obligations of today.Motherfucker Baby Boomers look askance at me and I don't fucking like it.I don't intnd to take any prisoners either.The television oozes slime about supposedly entertaining things and people which are actually sinister.Like Neil in the Young One's said BoomShankar...May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your womanINSPIRATION
The hippies have ejaculated and left a Demonic mess in the corner.A thinking person who strays from politically correct mantra must seek and kill this monstrosity.Don't let these bourgois socialist's civilise the savage!As any scholar of Aristotle knows the Earth is the centre of he Universe and man is the measure of truth.I don't agree with prohibition but sadly I don't have a dealer.If it's true that Arthur was a Fifth Century Celtic King then I am Merlin as metaphor for a stubborn Pagan who refuses the Baptism.Although fortune favours the Brave it is also true that one is best to seek moderation despite Epicurean lies.Is it true as philosophers contend that there is no free will?Certainly the Theologians have plenty of depth to argue the contrary.I guess my wisest course of action is to enact some magic ritual that the ever seeing eye may conjecture that I am not a zealous ascetic but rather am open to nature and it's temperate changes.I must convince my wife that today requires an extra expenditure of money because disaster strikes the best laid plans of mice and men and I have challenged the status of the druids which is always a perilous rout.My Father's Australian Company is winding up it's operations and if I am going to recognise the end of an era I must enact some change...maybe I'll get a tatoo today.I pray to the Lord that he guides me in the right course of action AMEN
We remarked as School boys that the Nazi's had the best uniforms.However I do not advocate Anti-Semeticism.My esteem is such that my taste in leaders is greater than that.For an American mind it might seem strange that an individual has no great need for more money or power but I am such a person.Contemporaneously citizens find more inspiration in personal freedom than they do in blindly following a leader.Racist radio personalities tell me to visit Indonesia is dangerous but in truth I have experienced more dangerous confrontations in Australia.Still Java can give me the creeps but I console myself by saying how can I be justifiably afraid when diggers are actively fighting a ruthless enemy in Afghanistan.If they can do it surely I can rough it in Java for a while.The important thing to do is keep busy.I'll get a lot of tatoos,drink copius amounts of Bintangs and everything should work out.One aspect of the Nazi's which imediately captures the attention of people is the swastika.Being a nordic or asian symbol it is appealing as the raw material for language,mathematics and thought.However I don't like those that would revive Nazism owing to our allied opposition to them in WWII.I'm dodging a bullet one month out and the best way is to do this is be righteous now and let destiny take care of the rest TWH
The Montagues always sneered at my painfully shy ways.During Australia's bicentennial celebrations my cousin and I spent the greater part of the day pretending to be German tourists to a couple of Australian girls we'd met on the bridge.When I lost my virginity later that year I was surprised by how sexual intercourse felt.By my fifth year of high school I had a lot of female friends due to my participation in an actor's group.They say Schizophrenic's respond differently to the onset of their sexual life.It became scandalous in my school how I'd always sneak in to girlfriend's windows at night to be with them.I rudely interupted a few girl's lives and for that I have felt remorse.During one of my lustful visits to a girlfriend's bedroom I was discovered by her Mother.Her parents were far from happy with the path their daughter was taking.When they said I could no-longer see her I could have been opportunistic and move on to someone else but as the Bard said 'The burgers are better at Hungry Jack's.'As a young man I was however acutely aware of the danger of AIDS and I responded by having mostly long term relationships.I don't claim to be a Don Juan because in these teenage affairs who is subject to the greatest hurt?I think contemporaneously society is becoming more overly dominated by females and they suffer less bad karma than males regarding their ex-partner.
Increasingly coloured people have antipathy towards white people.I understand why but at the same time am willing to tell them to get fucked.The disagreement is entirely over money.When Vietnam veteran's tell me about their life of hardship I get pissed off because my imensely hard life has involved schizophrenia.There are many idiots and or fuckwits in the world.Regarding coloured people I'm not about to give up my rights to life and liberty.There is also a great belief of Asians that Australia is a strange place to find caucasians.My wife is Asian but has great insight that no-one in their right mind would seek to be ruled by Chinese.Is the Western belief that Tibet is merely a province of China that they are entitled to as every country has a sphere of influence justified?Actually it's a good moral reason to seek out and out warfare with China.Also the Japanese were evil in the years before and during the Second World War.If the West attacks China the outcome could be the same as that which occured in Japan; a prosperous country but one whose orientation is as a subservient ally.Are there only two types of countries in the world,the under dog and the over lord?I see the World as a Duma,a liberal coalition of countries which is kind but week.Certainly the answer is that there are many shades of grey.The world will be destroyed if babies in impoverished countries continue to starve.MARK MY WORDS
Women want the world to live and exist forever because of Earth Mother.Was I wrong to say Motherhood is detestable?Of course not because Men have rights aswell and there comes a time when the lazy Viking needs to relenquish the slobbery of stay at home family life.What about conquest,valour,strength,courage,victory,adventure and glory?My bitch psychiatrist ws a stupid matriachy acolyte who said I was overly religious.Like Brian Wilson said 'Fire your guns.'It's really a 'no brainer' and I have been inspired by great deeds of Christian Kings but I am also conscious of many other world spiritualities such as that of American Indians.There are five ways of legitimate behaviour.The red,white,yellow,blue and black.I'm black like a New Orleans nigger.my Father warns people about me and says that I inspire fear.This is the way of Black but there is nothing to be ashamed of,it is just as legitimate as the other colours.I am the man of deep and sometimes twisted introspection.I'm a witchdoctor whose behaviour can't be manipulated and I will scar myself with razor blades for the thrill of it or look at the most carnal material available.There's nothing wrong with me.Little children fear the dark but it is something which is more appropriately viewed as a friend.
My travail is finding my way through time and space to my destination which is a cigarette packet whilst watching hours of news readers essentially saying nothing and listening to mindless contemporary music by self inflated sluts that feel they should exercise their right to be a dickhead because of universal sufferage.Maybe my karma for the deflowering of virgins who I told were going to be with me till we we're old means I should suffer like this in purgatory but the truth is I've always been a considerate lover mindful of a girl's need for sexual esteem.Sometimes I tell myself that women are under the delusion that we've been together when in fact we're total strangers.My alter ego Sir Garlon is famed for being the invisible Knight of the Round Table and I have in truth become less visible as my eccentricity has poularly been condemmed as inappropriate.The difference between a homeless bumb and a viable member of society is merely a shave and a new set of clothes.During my solitary days I try to grasp the the various bones of inspiration that others occaisonly throw at me.I guess I'll while away the morning hours by getting off my face on the drugs that I recently bought.Isn't that more positive than actually digesting the shit on TV and becoming someone who talks about these bullshit issues?
Mindful Phoenix Arts
Sebastian Thomas has relocated to Brisbane Australia.Kumari are Nepalese girls worshiped as godesses owing to their perfection.Sebastian's child Jude is indeed a male kumari.Diving is now Sebastian's priority.Taiwan was good for Mindful Phoenix but the Lucky country is certainly a better more civilised abode than Asia.Taiwan or Formosa island as it is also known is basically populated by Chinese Nationalists.Silat is a Malay martial art practised throughout Indonesia.Sebastian and family plan to live in Malaysia.Silat and the art of the Kris will no doubt be appealing to Sebastian.Java was a Dutch colony until the Japanese overran it in 1942.Animism is widely practised in South East Asia but beware some of the things they believe when repeated back home in a Westerrn environment will not be received well.
The Inherited Experience
Kevin Rudd has become Priminister.His rhetoric is similar to the politalk so adroitly described in the 'Yes Minister' program.Can I express my Love for humanity by drinking two dozen VB's in a sitting?Decisions like strap explosives to your body and detinate yourself are yesterdays trend.If as when I was in high school I believe every woman to be beautiful, why do woman contemporaneously sometimes find that philosophy to be threatening?Like a feeding pig Australia will not step away from the trough of a trading relationship with China despite it's human rights abuses in Tibet.Fuck I need a drink.I just purchased a puppy and already I am a bad parent.I dig the sardus of India.Smoke hash all day and walk around naked....Great.
The Perfect Stalker
Scandalous, Bill Clinton got his cheap thrills from Monica.I hope my wife understands if I go down on Hillary.I may be cheap but I'm not easy.The Karma Sutra should be taught to high school students as part of sex education.
I've had a terrific life.Tried to stab my Dad once.Ecstasy, a hard drug to quit.Before you condemn me as being shallow because of a drug obsession.Don't forget Byron,Shelley and Coleridge;loved their opium and great writers aswell.
Every race of humanity has it's sexy women.Fuck off skinheads.My 'VC' tattoo, does it stand for Victoria Cross or Viet Cong?
Commander Hardy MI6 laying down some espirit de corps for the regiment babies.Have I killed anyone...only if you believe the mythology.
Darkness,I see it because I must open my mind to belief.Blood, the first inkling Cro Magnon Man had of colour.All this rational society shit is pissing me off.I'll smoke unprocessed tobacco in the Amazon if they have some fermented goats milk.And I'll be happy.Motherfucker if you can't enjoy your drink give it to me for Christ's sake.
Effort, what the fuck for.Adolf Eichman,Himmler,Hesse,Goering,Goebbels; the Australian Liberal Party have their modern day equivalent.The NSW premier is a good man.Drink out of the toilet and cut out the middle man if you don't want the children to drink fresh water out of a de-sal plant.
I was encouraged not to talk in Ward Seven.If you can't handle it you're going to have to get used to it.
In an effort to cement the number one position in the world the yanks are presenting a generic intelligence version of the world via the Cathode Ray Tube.Reality shows and Idol are transforming young minds into automaton.Paris Hilton knows how to suck but she has no originality and does better than the suffering poet full of inspiration.
Inane sports obsessions like a gladitorial spectacle are reminiscent of the decline of the leisurely Romans.Angel Heart is a great movie.This time I have learnt the message of that movie and will try to evade arrest by myself.Rocket launches are the preferred weapon of the Jihad crew and as in truth I am Thomas Hardy I shall avoid a stint in Guantanamo Bay by hypocrisy which I justify through my passion for it.Let's all self medicate our way through this tV mediocrity with a bit of blaring ACDC on the stereo...Allah Akbar
'I am God'.Tolstoy convinced me after reading the epilouge in War and Peace.Heaven exists because humans create concepts we all can understand.Not a fan of Harry Potter,more of a Lord of the Rings man.Vanity Fair decorates the nineteenth century world.Gibbon with his decline and Fall of the Rroman Empire through it's painstaking analysis vindicates the executed More.Some wear the portrait of Che Guevara.Winston Churchill is far more deserving of a place on your T-shirt.For the love of god I have ventures yet to be realised.For instance the 'Wounded Tiger Army' T-shirts...Blood lineage to Gallipoli,Flanders,Normandy,Kokoda etc.
Will I really live to be 150?I need longevity to finally achieve something and make some doe.Vincent was a victim.
Sixty Christian missionaries to Japan were crucified by the local population.Bogans and peasants can be killed by the Samurai with no ensuing consequences.Dungeons and Dragons stipulates that life for the low level magicuser will be difficult.Shogun, Samurai,Baronet and Sultana; you should use power words such as these to bewilder the proles.In the Dune books I recall the line "fear is the mind killer'.Protecting my wife is a paramount consideration in everything I do.Star Group will be called before you have the opportunity to defile any altars in human form that I love and honour.
Spontaneously generate behaviour achieving pythagerean results in the various dimensions.Who built the pyramids, the Pharoh or the Slaves?'Workers united will never be defeated.'
Geoff Hardy My Father
His favourite author is F Scott Fitzgerald.Semarang was once known as the Paris of South Eat Asia.Jimi Hendrix was Dad's favourite rock superstar in the late sixties and early seventies.Shipping containers are unloaded by labourers when they arrive at his Willoughby shop.Javanese women regard him as a courteous philanthropist.
Vodka is his drink of choice.Whenever he stays at his farm we talk over a few beers.Family is important to my Dad.Maya, his Javanese wife is a true friend of my wife and I.Aurelia is the youngest in the family.Fitzgerald's wife was admitted to a mental asylum.Schizophrenia is something I have been accused of but I contend it was more likely post-traumatic stress disorder.Schizophrenics are often associated with denial.
Purple Oms,White Lightnings,Green Pyramids,Stars,Smileys,Green Pyramids; I took them all.Jagger got a knighthood though and probably took more.Drugs are expensive but I love drugs.Oh well seeing as I'm always broke I'll have to settle for an ascetic lifestyle.Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky describes the journey of redemption however isn't religion the worst drug of all.At eighteen I had my first marijuana.Psychotropic drugs are a good leveler to take the edge off a hydroponic high.Like scarification I find the epicurean philosophy of indulgence to be fit for a King.Indeed the old association made with royal was of sumptuosness.I once told a psychiatrist that I was a Scythian and enjoyed drinking my own blood.Legalise it.
Japanese Whale Eating Vermin
Stop killing whales you villanous bastards.The 303 needs to be shouldered by us diggers and kick the Jap coastguard out of our waters.The government is too gutless to do anything about it.It's times like these I crack a Fosters and thank God my Father bought me a Holden.We don't need Jap crap.We can make our own vehicles.
Iimmigration is good.We need a Multi Function Polis in Western NSW to accomodate growth in population.Medication time; 200mg of Serequel,50mg of Zoloft,800mg of Solian.Diabetes is a son of a bitch disease.I think I caught it in 1992 when I first worked in Java due to an inferior diet.The most fun I've ever had in Asia was in Kuta.The nightlife in Central Java is virtually non existent.Abu Bakir Bashir also calls it home...only for the hardcore...TWH
Flickering Flame, Baby Boomers Grow Old
John,Paul,George and Ringo; assasination and cancer took two of the best from us.Ringo's made some nice solo albums.Julian Lennon did ok too.Yoko is mistakenly criticised as a negative influence on Lennon.The Luck Of The Irish is a duet of John and Yoko that is really worth a listen.Also there is criticism of Ringo as being a substandard drummer; complete bullshit actually.In truth Ringo is still the most famous of the world's drummers and was the backbone of the Beatles with a distinct and apt style.
The Anti-Vietnam Movement and Flower Power were a watershed for reform and challenged the old order with great bravery and intelligence.Owing to this rich history Nirvana,Arcadia,Happy Hunting Grounds and Olympus await you ageing hippies.Of course pot's legal in heaven.
Louise Valmay Parker
My Mother is and was one of my greatest assets in my life.She doesn't listen to rock music much anymore but appreciation for guitar troubadors was fostered in me at a young age.She once told me wisely that I should not grieve if something fatalistic were to happen to her.Sparta and it's patriachy ejaculate concurrently eveywhere with the debasement of women.Louise is an Achean defying obstacles by remaining pure.All the women on my mothers side are like this.My Great Grandmother was a real Scott and remained stoic and industrious her whole life.Kay protects her so of course I don't have to worry.
Of her four children I am the most wayward.However my Mum respects men when they pull their weight as do my sisters Jessica,Imogen and Hannah.And of course there's their big slug of a hound Percival named after my Uncle Percy.
Don't Freak Out Bitch
'One Flew Over The Cucoos Nest' is a great Movie written by Ken Kesey.Councilors trained in welfare studies think capitalism is the cause of madness.Seraphs are the higher rank of angels.Neil Young,Elton John,Donovan,Joe Satriani and Joe Cocker are muscicians I like.The Exchange Hotel was like shangrila in the early 90's.I'm sure about one thing this world is full of jealous and malicious people.
I dreamt I was forced into a muddy pool full of crocadiles and war veterans.Why do you hate Asians so much?They're generally well assimilated in Australian society and are law abiding.I saved this country from threats from within and without ,without receiving any thanks.If you had a heart you could look into your heart and admit that I am right but you don't so back off motherfucker I don't suffer fools gladly.
Right Wing Conspiracy
The Right Wing Media is casting the seeds of doubt upon the Australian Priminister.They have asserted that his frantic workload will therefore be accompanied by mistakes.In order to counter this problem he should inject a good deal of 'me tooism'.Australians have a healthy cynicism about Left Wing politics and they would appreciate this copy cat strategy by the Labor Party.
Whitlam as commander in chief of the Australian Commonwealth should have got on the phone to the red berets(Royal Australian Corps Of Military Police) and told them to summarily execute the Governor General for treason.
'The Year Of Living Dangerously' is a good book about Java.I seriously don't reccomend smoking ganja there unless of course you like cockroach infested shitholes.
Getting Pissed With The Boys
Crack a New at nine o'clock in the morning like Morrison said.Yeah I've got the biggest beer gut in Australia; it's not a six pack,it's a one pack.VB is an acronym for Volkische Beobachter(Official Journal of the German Nazi Party).I won't even get into what SS Comodore means.
My Dad remembers my Grandfather sanding down the asbestos with a belt sander.KB Gold is available at the bottleshop.The non smokers of the world have succeeded in shuttin' down us cancer jockies from having a good time at a venue.The abundance of rules and regulations accompany the corporisation of air and if you don't comply the'll send you to Baxter.According to the Communist Party those facilities will be used to imprison anyone who is dissenting about globalisation.My future's so bright I've gotta wear shades.Don't forget the sunnies.My dear old Grandad died of a cancer behind the retina caused by excessive sunlight.
Performing CCR On The World
Blogging is akin to an intellectual discipline such as Chinese calligraphy.My website is worth reading because somehow it distracts the mind from a mediocre contemplation.Try it and get your own abstract idea about what it is you should do next.Zimbabwe is a circus of ignorance.Mugabe was once hailed a hero and now the West champions the opposition leader with the unfounded belief that things will get better.A shovel can be a leathel weapon.Beware the 'Digger' and his shovel.
Kevin Rudd is an embicile who is not negotiating the speed at which alliances change in an Orwellian world.The most appropriate tactic is to move closer to Russia in order to obtain their Sukoi jets arguably the best fifth generation jets in the World.it is asserted that I am too big for my boots.That's garbage.I merely practice a healthy amount of critical analysis which I was taught in Primary School.